We're also proud to have added Māori to Google Translate over ten years ago. It's been a big help for people learning Māori, Māori communities talking to others, and New Zealand translators. Recently, we added several more Pacific Island languages to Google Translate too, like Fijian and Tok Pisin, which will benefit even more people across the islands.
Finally, I couldn't be prouder of the grassroots initiatives blossoming within the Google New Zealand team. Each week, a dedicated colleague shares new Māori words and phrases during our team call segment "Te Reo Tuesday”, enriching our vocabulary and deepening our connection to the Māori culture. Another colleague of mine has, in consultation with our cultural partner AU, created an engaging online training module for Googlers, delving into Aotearoa's history, te Tiriti o Waitangi, and the relevance of Māori values in our workplaces. Whenever we welcome honored guests, the team and I would sing them a Māori song as part of a Māori welcome at the door. These ground-up efforts are invaluable in fostering a deeper appreciation of te ao Māori within our team.
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Celebrating Te Wiki o te Reo Māori with a hāngī feast and a scavenger hunt around the office
But we know there's still more to do to support and protect this language, which is so important to us in Aotearoa. We’re open to hearing your ideas and thoughts, and excited to see what the future holds for te Reo Māori. I know we can make a real difference in preserving and promoting this beautiful language, and I'm grateful for the chance to be a part of this journey.
He mihi nui ki a koutou katoa! Happy Māori Language Week.