On July 24, hundreds of Kiwis joined people in 197 countries who went out and filmed their lives for the upcoming YouTube documentary Life in a Day - and you can view the Kiwi submissions now.

Life in a Day is a joint project between YouTube and Hollywood directors Kevin Macdonald and Ridley Scott that will create a video time capsule of the world on that one day in July. More than 80,000 submissions in 45 languages were received. Kevin Macdonald and his team will spend the next few months pouring through these clips and crafting them into a full-length documentary which will premiere at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2011. (You can read more about it at our original blog post here.)

However... we don’t have to wait until January to see what everyone submitted. The YouTube channel for Life in a Day has now reopened, with tens of thousands of clips viewable to the public. (Click on the “Explore the Video Gallery” button.) The channel will add more videos every day, eventually showing all 80,000.

More than 400 submissions were received from New Zealand and many of them are already up. The channel organises the clips by geo-tags, so you can filter them by country and location. You can also select clips by mood and time of day.

Here are just a few of the clips received from Kiwis:
We look forward to seeing if any Kiwi videos make it in to the documentary in January!

Posted by Annie Baxter, Google NZ